Immigration Reform Platform
La Raza Centro Legal Immigration Law Platform
La Raza Centro Legal prioritizes the below in Immigration Law Reform
La Raza Centro Legal prioritizes the below in Immigration Law Reform
Legalization/Pathways to Citizenship
Equal Rights for Legal Permanent Residents
Visa holders should have same rights and protections as U.S. citizens, since they are an integral part of the national economy
Family Reunification
Preserve All Existing Categories
Stop All Deportations Terminate E-Verify
All workers must be treated equally! No worker is illegal.
Right to Due Process
Right to Legal Counsel
No Criminalization (No Human is Illegal)
No Detention Centers; No Ankle Monitors
No Militarization of Border
Stop Funding Border Wall
Increase Number of U-Visas and Family Visas
No Longer Use the term “Alien”
To address the root causes of immigration crisis in U.S., we must address the global economic crisis.
La Raza Centro Legal prioritizes the below in addressing the root causes of the immigration crisis.
Immigrants’ countries must be able to tax and regulate international corporations based in the U.S. & Europe that extract resources from immigrants’ countries.
This would put historically marginalized countries in control of their own resources empowering them to address their economic crisis that drive immigrants to the U.S.
Close the gap between the rich and the rest of the world including increasing the value of labor and increasing taxes on the 1% to fund public education.